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Run the Model

To access the model in the Cloud, click here: Simulation model:


Look for the model using the model name “N Cycling In Ag Systems”.
Returning users may access the model more directly at Anylogic Cloud

1. Click on the white arrow

The white arrow is located in the greyed out model viewbox.

2. Select 'Lab' Option for Experiments, 'Interactive' for Games (red circle)

3. From the dropdown menus (green box), select Cropping System, Fertilizer and Management

The dropdown is in the upper righthand corner

4. Click on 'Continue' to run the model.

The Continue button is in the upper left

5. When the model pauses, click on the stocks and gather data from

6. Click on the 'X' in the upper right to end the run and return to the beginning to start a new run (yellow circle).

The X is in the far upper right